Thomas & Emma

September 21, 2024 • Perth WA, Australia

Thomas & Emma

September 21, 2024 • Perth WA, Australia

Q + A

Are children invited?

Children are most welcome to attend any/all parts of the day. We will leave this decision up to you as to what will most suit your family. For catering and seating purposes, we ask that when you rsvp, please let us know who will be attending the reception.

What parking is available?

Cathedral - Some free parking is available at the cathedral and paid parking on surrounding streets. Hyde park - Street parking available. Mills Park Function Centre - Plenty of parking available onsite.

What happens after the ceremony?

As we need to vacate the cathedral quickly after the ceremony, we will all be relocating to Hyde Park for a casual gathering with light food available, set up next to the stage at Hyde Park. We aim to be there until approximately 2pm but you are welcome to stay as long as you like. The reception will open at 5pm. There are also park facilities surrounding the function centre if you would like to go earlier.

What are the addresses of the ceremony and reception?

St Mary’s Cathedral - 41 Victoria Square, Perth. Hyde Park - Vincent Street and William Street, Perth. Mills Park Function Centre - 86 Brixton Street, Beckenham

What is the weather like at that time of year?

September is the start of spring in Perth, where we expect high temperatures around low 20s. There is the possibility of rain and if heavy rain is planned, we may adjust the plans for Hyde Park.

What time should I arrive at the ceremony?

The cathedral will be open from 10am and ceremony will start at 11am

I still have questions. Who is the best to ask?

Please feel free to contact either of us to ask any questions!