After meeting in 2013 through church friends we developed a casual friendship but nothing more.
It wasn't until about 5 years later that a mutual friend of ours Tommo. Suggested that our friend Paul(Who is now the best man for the wedding) would be a partner for Emma. TJ however disagreed with this statement and thought he would be a good fit.
In 2019 at Easter we saw each other again and TJ decided that he was definitely interested in Emma, she however was blissfully unaware of the situation. TJ then was living on the other side of the country and so begun messaging Emma. And figuring out how to ask her out. Emma remained blissfully unaware until early 2020 TJ (with advice from one of Emma's closest friends Maryanne) messaged Emma and asked her on a date. Emma said No. Fortunately TJ wasn't that bright and thought she she said maybe, just not now.
So with that hope of a possibility TJ moved to Perth (not to pursue Emma but that certainly was a plus to moving).
In 2021 Emma and TJ caught up as friends a few times and even Emma couldn't remain completely oblivious to the situation. And in September of 2021 TJ asked again. And for reasons even Emma doesn't know she said yes.
It took 2 years of dating before TJ bought the ring. And on Christmas morning 2023 he dropped down on one knee and asked the question.
The answer was a resounding yes.
And now here we are, 5 years after TJ decided to ask out Emma. 4 since he finally did. And 3 since she said yes.
And we couldn't be happier